SEPTEMBER 2021 - The Life of an Outlaw - Site tells story, dispels myths surrounding Jesse James
Also this Month:
Everything Old
Let’s make a deal: Haggling part of antique culture
Michelle Knows Antiques
Supplies remind us of back-to-school days - Part I
Good Eye
Fenton Art Glass Attracting New Interest
Covering Quilts
A tisket, a tasket, a delightful antique basket –
Antique basket quilts
Book Review
‘Victorian Costume for Ladies,
1860-1910’ (2nd Ed.)
Special Feature
Vintage supplies brought students back to classroom in style
Antique Detective
Old figural glass bottles still popular collectibles
Mid-America News
What's Happening in the Midwest?
Collecting Classics by John Stinger
Add a Little Laughter to Your day!
Traveling with Ken - (link to archives)
Visiting Chicago's Century of Progress Exposition, 1934